Sunday, October 21, 2012

Duty to Protect

Many people are confused about reporting child abuse or negligence. Who has an obligation to report? In Oklahoma, as well as the majority of state,make it a mandatory duty to report child abuse or neglect, including suspected child abuse or child neglect. In Oklahoma, every adult falls under this legal obligation to report. There are no exceptions. This does not mean that just because you have no proof or all of the details that you don't take the steps necessary to protect a child who is possibly the victim of abuse or neglect. Err on the safe side. It is important to know that the law also protects the good-faith reporter. There can be no legal retaliation against persons who make good faith reports of child abuse or even suspected child abuse. The intent of the law is clear: Think first of the child and protect the child!
So you know about the obligation to report, but how? First: Call the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) hotline: 800-522-3511. Be prepared — identify yourself, tell them all that you know, and ask for a case number. If a reporter of abuse needs to call back, then having the case number is very helpful. How the DHS will handle the matter can vary. If they believe the child might be in imminent danger, then they may ask the reporter to call the local police or sheriff. If you make a report and are asked to call the police, then do so immediately. Even though making a report twice may seem burdensome, think first of the child and protect the child.
The reports of abuse that we hear about with such frequency are deeply troubling. The sexual abuse of children is a serious problem in our society. Health and education professions have a commitment to protecting children which is absolutely firm, but it takes all of us to make the child protection policies that have been put in place, work. Please advocate for your patients, and especially those who do not have the power to make their own voices heard... Link to Oklahoma Reporting Brochure

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